Three patterns to use “if else” statement in dos/batch scripts

  • Pattern #1
@echo off
set var=b
if "%var%" EQU "a" (echo 1) else if "%var%" EQU "b" (  echo 2) else if "%var%" EQU "c" (  echo 3)
  • Pattern #2
@echo off
set var=b
if "%var%" EQU "a" (
  echo 1
) else if "%var%" EQU "b" (
  echo 2
) else if "%var%" EQU "c" (
  echo 3
  • Pattern #3
@echo off
set var=b
if "%var%" EQU "a" (
  echo 1
) ^
else if "%var%" EQU "b" (
  echo 2
) ^
else if "%var%" EQU "c" (
  echo 3

An exception about FlexVolume SMB storage plugin

  • 使用了Microsoft的一个FlexVolume SMB插件在Kubernetes Windows容器中挂载SMB存储

  • 其中一个节点上的容器偶发性的挂载不上: E1114 09:48:35.398102 4496 driver-call.go:267] Failed to unmarshal output for command: init, output: "RunFlexVolume : \xce\u07b7\xa8\xbd\xab\xa1\xb0RunFlexVolume\xa1\xb1\xcf\xeeʶ\xb1\xf0Ϊ cmdlet\xa1\xa2\xba\xaf\xca\xfd\xa1\xa2\xbdű\xbe\xceļ\xfe\xbb\xf2\xbf\xc9\xd4\xcb\xd0г\xcc\xd0\xf2\xb5\xc4\xc3\xfb\xb3ơ\xa3\xc7\xeb\xbc\xec\xb2\xe9\xc3\xfb\xb3Ƶ\xc4ƴд\xa3\xac\xc8\xe7\xb9\xfb\xb0\xfc\xc0\xa8·\r\n\xbe\xb6\xa3\xac\xc7\xebȷ\xb1\xa3·\xbe\xb6\xd5\xfdȷ\xa3\xacȻ\xba\xf3\xd4\xd9\xca\xd4һ\xb4Ρ\xa3\r\n\xcb\xf9\xd4\xdaλ\xd6\xc3 C:\\usr\\libexec\\kubernetes\\kubelet-plugins\\volume\\exec\\\\smb.ps1:89 \xd7ַ\xfb: 1\r\n+ RunFlexVolume\r\n+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~\r\n + CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (RunFlexVolume:String) [], ParentContainsErrorRecordException\r\n + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException\r\n \r\n", error: invalid character 'R' looking for beginning of value
    E1114 09:48:35.398102 4496 plugins.go:766] Error dynamically probing plugins: Error creating Flexvolume plugin from directory, skipping. Error: invalid character 'R' looking for beginning of value

  • Exception内容一堆乱码, cmdlet后的内存去除干扰后感觉像是什么路径不存在: 、函数、骄牺或可运刑序的名常请检查名衬,如果包括径,请保径正,后再试矗所在置

  • 最后发现是C:\usr\libexec\kubernetes\kubelet-plugins\volume\exec\\flexvolume.ps1的文件内容为空, 不知道为什么DaemonSet没有运行成功. 删除该节点上flexvolume对应的pod后重新挂载,问题解决

Two ways to retrieve process id while startup a process via Windows command line

一个特殊的机缘, 需要通过cmd.exe启动一个进程, 并且获取该启动后进程的Process ID, 搜罗到两种方法:

1. 通过wmic process call create

  • wmic如果创建进程成功,将返回一个ReturnValue为0类JSON结构的输出, 从中获取ProcessId:
C:\app>cmd.exe /C wmic process call create "c:\app\cluster\GatewayServer.exe start -id 6", "c:\app"
Executing (Win32_Process)->Create()
Method execution successful.
Out Parameters:
instance of __PARAMETERS
        ProcessId = 19420;
        ReturnValue = 0;
  • wmic如果创建进程失败, 将返回一个ReturnValue非0的输出:
C:\app>wmic process call create "cluster\GatewayServer.exe start -id 6", "c:\app"
Executing (Win32_Process)->Create()
Method execution successful.
Out Parameters:
instance of __PARAMETERS
        ReturnValue = 9;

但wmic有一个很大的问题: 不使用当前用户上下文和系统的环境变量.

2. 通过powershell的Start-Process启动进程, 然后取Start-Process返回对像的Id属于得到Process ID:

C:\app>cmd.exe /C powershell -Command "try{$app = Start-Process -PassThru -FilePath \"cluster\GatewayServer.exe\" -WorkingDirectory \"C:\app\" -ArgumentList \"start -id 5\";echo $app.Id} catch {throw}"

Close TCP and UDP ports via windows command line

The CurrPorts tool from Nirsoft can easily close a TCP/UDP connection without kill the Process via Windows command line

cports.exe /close <Local Address> <Local Port> <Remote Address> <Remote Port>


cports.exe /close 51512 8007

Download: CurrPorts

Run all programs as administrator by default on Windows 10

  • Open Windows Registry
  • Located at “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System”
  • Change EnableLUA to 0
  • Restart the computer

Reference articles: